Notification: Policy Change on the Library Reminders for Book Return / Renew / Overdue





As for the new policy of library for the email reminder service, we have rearranged the dates of sending the reminders. This change have started from Dec 7, 2023. Please check the details in below for your reference.




Library Reminders for Book Return and Renew:

 -  2 school days before the due date



For students that are borrowing books throughout the holidays

Return the book before the holiday / Renew it through LibraryCEO "Current Loan" (website / app):


Library Reminders for Book Renew in holiday:

 -  2 working days before the due date




Library Overdue Reminder:

 -  1st day of overdue (to student users & homeroom teachers)

 -  3rd day of overdue (to head of year)

 -  30th day of overdue (to parents)



Thank You for Your Cooperation!

TKHC Library